Monday, March 31, 2008
Mythical Creatures, new computer and an 8 K race
I have not been blogging in awhile so I am trying to remember what has been going on lately. As usual I feel like nothing is really happening or can think of anything. I guess my memory isn't that great though. Last weekend was Easter (Glad Pask). Matt and I stayed in Chicago and had a really relaxing weekend. We went to the field museum one day and checked out the 'Mythical creatures exhibit' which was a lot of fun. We also splurged and bought a new apple computer (imac). It is so sweet. Matt has been checking the tracking number each day this week to let me know that the computer is on its way. Last week was otherwise just busy with work and hanging out with our friends. Wednesday Matt and I met up with Scott (Brother's college friend) and we watched Sweden loose against Brazil in soccer and then we met up with Kristi, Sara and Eirik. It was good to see Kristi again and she told us all about her trip to Japan and that she got engaged over there. Congrats!! Thursday was Swedish girl's night. I met some of my friends after work and we went to Cafe Iberico and had loads of tapas and sangria pitchers. More sangria then food I think. Friday, Matt and I took the metra train out to the suburbs and met with our friends John and Danielle. They are having a baby in a few weeks so we got to see a very pregnant Danielle. Saturday, we went to our friends going away party, who are moving to Sweden. Yesterday was the Shamrock shuffle 8 K run. Both Matt and I ran it. The weather was really miserable. Cold and rainy and there seem to be no hope for spring. But I had lots of fun. I am not that fast anymore but I did feel strong through the race and my knee did not hurt at all.. and I beat Matt's time with 3 min!! Ha!. I have already started planning to run some 1/2 marathons this summer.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
A Swedish 'Darling'

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
St. Patrick's day.
Washington D.C was a lot of meetings but fun. The weather was so great. There is hope for spring. It was close to 70 F ( 20 C) the last day when I was there. I flew home on Saturday and was very tired after all the meetings/social events. I got home in the afternoon and then I went out to meet up with Matt and friends that had been celebrating St. patrick's day all day. St. Patrick's day is just an excuse to wear green and go drink. I was so exhausted and got there late so I was very much on the calm side. I did however have some beer, went to a kareoke bar and stayed out until 11 pm. We were a lame married couple that was in bed before midnight :). I needed my sleep and poor Matt has inherited my cold now when I am starting to feel better. Sunday we had another open house so Matt and I went to the movies while our realtor was showing the condo. It was Matts turn to choose so we went to see 'In Bruges' which is a typical guys-movie.. but I loved it!! Highly recommend it. No offers on the condo yet. I posted some photos from Saturday's St. Pats celebration. The river in Chicago is pretty much green but for this holiday then put dye in the river.. that is why it looks scary green.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
sick sandra flies to DC
I have had this really stubborn fever/sore throat for over a week now. I even had to stay home from work last week because I was so sick.. and I usually never get sick. Well, I usually never get injured but 2007 turned out to be a year where I took a couple of trips to the hospital so I guess: 'I usually...' isn't always reliable. I am starting to feel better and I think I wasn't snoring that bad last night. My poor husband has had to put up with a sick and extremely loud snoring. I did take it pretty easy this weekend. Friday after work Matt and I met up with Sara and Carrie for pizza and a glass of wine and we headed home around 8.30 pm. Saturday, I started to feel better so we went to Hairbanger's ball. It is a cover band that really plays the best 80s hair band music. We went a rocked out.. did not really help my sore throat but I had a blast. On Sunday I actually played dodgeball for the first time this season. It was the play offs and off course the team chose to do it blindfolded. It was a lot of fun because the other team was really nice. We actually teamed up with them and stayed for another game and tried to help them win in the final. Alas, no win.. I guess sometimes the bad guys win. After that we went to Augie's (a bar) where Matt drank one (or 12 beers) too many so I had to escort him home. Today I flew out to Washington D.C. We have our annual meeting. I am staying at the Hilton only a block away from the white house so when I got here I had some hours to kill went out for a run along the 'national mall'. The sun is shining it is around 60F and the scenery is awesome. I wish I could be a professional running route finder.. you know go from city to city and explore where the best routes to run are. That would be sweet.

Monday, March 3, 2008
Tjejhelg i Park CIty Utah
Jag kom hem jattetidigt imorse fran en tjejhelg i Park City, Utah. Vi var 12 tjejer, mestadels fran mina svenska tjejkompisar har i chicago och tva inadopterade 'svenskor'. Jag och Anna reste redan pa torsdag morgonen och vi akte skidor i 4 dagar. Vi hade underbart vader och sa himla roligt. Min kompis Stephanie som bor i Salt Lake City kom ocksa och partade coh akte skidor med oss pa fredagen och lordagen. Vi Akte skidor hela dagen och gick ut pa main street i Park City bade fredagen och lordagen, sa nu ar jag helt slut. Verkligen en superhelg. Alla kom overens sa bra och det var lange sedan jag skrattat sa mycket och Park City ar verkligen min favorit skidort. Bra backar och bra uteliv. Pa lordagen sa var vi pa en nattklubb dar DJ AM spelade. Han har verkligen talang for vi slutade inte dansa forrens klubben stangde, har nog aldrig varit pa en klubb med battre musik. Inga skador denna resa bara en massa kul.

Colorado Road trip
My sister Katti was here to visit from Feb 14 - 25. It was so great to see her and spend time with her. Matt and I took the whole week off and we had this crazy road trip planned. We started our trip on Friday night when we went to Angola, Indiana to visit Niclas & Autumn and then on Sunday we drove all day to Rapid City. We drove threw all sorts of horrible driving weather: ice, rain, snow and winds but we made it there ok after 19 hours. We did stop fro a short visit at our Friend Amee VO in Souix city. Monday we did get to see the Mouth Rushmore and it was really beautiful drive. I would say that it is worth the extra 6 hours since I always wanted to see it. Then we headed for Denver and on Tuesday we drove up to the mountains and went to a place to cross country ski called sunlight mountain. Yes, they had sun light but that was about it. The equipment was ancient and the trails were horrible so we tried to be a good sport for about an 1 1/2 and after many falls on the skies we gave up and went back to the hot springs hotel where we stayed. Wednesday was spent skiing in Snowmass and I really loved that place!! Awesome runs and lots of snow. Thursday we skied in Vail and we made it over to the backbowls but we kept it easy. Friday we started our endless drive back to Chicago. So we spent about 10 days on the road with Matt and Katti and I loved it and wouldn't want to have spent it with anyone else.

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