Friday, July 18, 2008
Torsdagkvall med svenskorna
Igar sa hade vi en liten picknick i parken nere i stan med svenskatjejerna. Det var jattekul att se alla och det borjar kannas lite vemodigt eftersom jag inte kommer att se vissa utav dem innan jag flyttar till sverige. Vi satt och snackade och sedan sa spelade vi kubb.. syd mot nord precis som i Robinson! Jag var pa syd laget for allt soder om stockholm var syd. Vi vann forresten, kandes valdigt bra!

Filming in Utah
So I went to Utah from Monday to Wednesday this week for work. We stayed up in a beautiful resort in Deer valley, but I still like mountains better with snow on it. I like to ski not hike. We were there to film a presentation for one of the trauma registrar trainings. I do not like public speaking and do really not like being filmed while doing a presentation. I am not a film star that is for sure. I did pull it off without to much fidgeting and now I will be on the internet as a lecturer.. maybe I will get a fan club? On Tuesday night my friend Stephanie came and we had dinner, catch up and hung out for awhile. It was great seeing her before we leave. I am thinking we will have to continue our annual ski-trips but maybe I can convince her to come to Europe for one?
Weekend of Angola
Last weekend we went out to celebrate my husband since he put his 2 weeks notice in. Yes, it is really worth celebrating since he has pretty much dreamt about that day and been looking forward to it for a very long time. Unfortunatly his boss was sick that day which stole some of the thunder. We also celebrated that he had gotten accepted into graduate school in Sweden which will be awesome because I was a bit worried about what he was going to do once we got over there. No more worries for us. We had beers in a beer garden by the river and I realized how beautiful chicago is during the summer. On saturday we drove to my brother's in Indiana. We hung out at their house, bbq and played lots of lawn games. It was such a nice day to just hang out. On Sunday we were back in Chicago and had open house, cleaned, started packing and ran errands. I get exhausting just thinking about it, because that was in fact a really really exhausting day.
The 4th
We went to minneapolis for the 4th of July to visit our friends Tracy and Greg. The weekend was filled with hanging in the sun, beer drinking and bowling at Brit's, playing kubb in the park, a twins game and lots of Wii playing. It was really a great weekend and fun to get some quality time hanging out with friends.

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