Matt and I traveled back to the US for to visit friends and family. We squeezed in a wedding and a birthday party so it was a fun filled trip. Once we landed in Chicago we got our rental car and drove up to our friends Jodie and Josh's place in Rockford where we stayed the night. The next day it was off to Minneapolis for Tracy and Greg's wedding. It was such a beautiful wedding ceremony with both tears and laughter as the vows were given. The party afterwards were French inspired but considering that the couple is moving there for 2 years so it was really fitting.

After the wedding weekend we headed to Iowa to visit Phil's place and then off to Cedar Rapids for a coupl
e of days with Matt's sister and nephews. We also took the flooding tour of CR which I cannot believe the destruction in some areas.

After that we headed to Chicago for some time with friends and the birthday party. I even made it in to my work and had lunch with my Swedish girl friends so it kind of felt a bit like I have never left since I was doing the things I usually do. Well, except that the group of girls has not expanded with 4 small adorable additions from when I left. It has really been a baby boom since October. We went to Cafe Iberico to have lunch all 8 girls and four babies. It was great to see the little ones and also one more addition which I did not get to see when I was there in January. The restaurant was unfortuatly invaded by a huge high school class so it got really load and crazy. I really thought we would be the loud and crazy with that many strollers and babies but we weren't :).

The last 4 years Matt has celebrated his birthday together with Sara and they always do some crazy bar crawl thing.. This year it was a birthday bar crawl to 8 or maybe 9 bars.. don't remember.. but at each game there was a competition with various bar games; pool, shuffle board, air hockey, darts etc. It was a fun filled night that ended with super giant burritos with Anna and Gregg. Then it was back home again. I really had the best time and miss everyone already.