We had some of our "Swedish girl- couple" friends over for dinner. We had a really good time with crayfish, snaps, songs ..etc. The American men were all bonding, enjoying the weird Swedish
traditions. We had my friend Jospehine and Elin come over with their men on Friday night and then Anna and Gregg came over for dinner on Saturday night. Yes, it was so much fun we had to do it twice. Also I was amazed by my cooking skills.. Everyone that knows me knows that I think popcorn and a piece of toast is a perfectly normal dinner meal.. Well, I know
The rest of the weekend I just relaxed. I needed a weekend for relaxing and taking care of my knee. My physical therapist would have been proud of me. I did all my exercises. I even biked for 20 miles on Saturday..oh man, was I tired after that and took a long walk on Sunday. It feels good being able to move around like a normal person again.
Had no idea that crayfish (or crawfish/crawdads as we Southern folk call them were big in Sweden! My mom grew up in Louisiana, and we do the same down there. Small world, eh? Looks like you had fun.