Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Spring Cleaning Monday
I had the day off Monday, since it was MLK jr day. Matt was a sweetie and called in sick so we both stayed home that day. It was superfreezing out so we finally did some spring cleaning, cleaned out the closets etc. Maybe not so fun but it was needed. We also watched the movie 'Surf's up'. I totally recommend it! Anyway, I love 4-day work weeks
Happy Birthday Niclas!
We went to New Buffalo this weekend to celebrate Niclas 28th birthday. We actually took the Amtrak train there and I have to say that it was really nice. I wouldn't mind travelling more with Amtrak. It was freezing cold and snowing all weekend so we spent most of it indoors. We went to a huge casino and I lost about 30 dollars before I gave up. Niclas got a great birthday present by winning more than 300 dollar on roullette. It was awesome! We ended up playing a board games both Friday and Saturday night instead of going to the bars. Matt and I dominated on both trivial persuit and pictionary. I am going to claim it is due to my amazing skills, but that might be a lie. I am still going to claim it. Here are some photos from the weekend.

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hurray for Skiing!
Yay!! I just bought tickets to go to Utah to go skiing. I am so excited. We are going on a 'girls weekend' so I think it will be a really good time. My new ACL is ready to go ski and at least as excited as I am. I think.
Tillbaka i jobbsvangen
Ok, sa nu ar man tillbaka i Chicago igen. Flygresan gick utan problem denna gang och jag hann klamma in 3 filmer och hann nastan sticka en hel kudde pa vagen hem. Det har varit ganska latt for mig att komma over jetlaggen, det ar bara det att jag fortfarande vaknar kl 6.00 pa morgonen och ar supertrott efter klockan 22.00 men anda man ar ju anda gammal och jobbar sa det ar ett ganska skont schema att vanja sig vid. Man hinner ata en ordentlig frukost och gora lite smabestyr innan man aker till jobbet. Jag har aven forsokt att komma igang med lopningen igen och det gar segt nu i borjan. Ar fortfarande sa himla otranad, men men det ar val bara att sta i. Matt och jag gick till konsulatet med hans residence permit ansokan och har nu en intervjuv redan den 14 Feb. Japp, nu maste vi ova infor intervjuvn :)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Not so much blog..
Sorry I have been really bad at blogging latelty. Still in Sweden and it has been a really wonderful time. I have had such a crazy busy social schedule and also tried to work this week so it has not really felt like vacation. But well worth it. I also learned to knit. I made a crocheted hat and I am now knitting a pillow so my winter break has been really productive. I have also teached my parents to use the Skype phone over the internet so I hope I hear more from them now, and I got my mother hooked on youtube. So it is a new year and new life, right!? I have been trying to be good and was actually out running 4 times this week. Suprised even myself by how dedicated I was. One thing that Swedes always do is to have dinners or have coffee at peoples houses. This I will miss when I go back to Chicago tomorrow. I have been so well fed during this trip and it is always so nice to just come home to peoples house and just hang out. More intimate in someway. I wish we did more of that in Chicago. Well, I guess I just have to host some dinner partys this year. Anyway, it is saturday night and I am sitting at home with my parents learning to knit. Maybe not the most exiting saturday night. But I would not want to spend it any other way. I am 31 years old now after all!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Finally Sweden
Matt and I arrived in sweden on Christmas eve and since then it was been a constant socializing and eating by travelling to friends and families houses all over Sweden. I think I have gained about 10 pounds so far and Matt and I have not had to eat out or cook since we landed. We celebrated Christmas and my birthday with my parents home cooked meals and then for new years we all (Matt, Me, Mamma and Pappa) drove to Gothemburg to celebrate new years with my sister Mari. She had been planning a dinner party for weeks and we were a group of 14 adults and 11 kids. The dinner was amazing and it was a nonstop partying at her house.. I should also mention that she has 4 adorable kittens that we just couldn't stop playing with. After that we went to my other sister, Katti, in Malmo (southern Sweden) but we stopped at my childhood friend Sofia's house on the way. She had this new built huge house and a bump on her belly so she has a lot more grown-up points than I have. It was great seeing her and talk about old times. We spent a couple of days in Malmo and Matt actually went back to Stockholm since he had and interview. Unfortunatly he never got the job.. crappy.. I guess we just have to try again. After Malmo we drove to my aunt and uncle in Smaland and then after a week we were back in Stokcholm again. Well feed and with lots of great memories :). I have also been trying to meet up as much as possible with all my friends; Linda, Paula and Leila. Matt left on Sunday to go back to chicago so I have a week to be here all by myself; work and hang out with people. So far the time has gone by way too fast. Here are some photos from my trip so far:

Unplanned Christmas in New York
Matt and I left for sweden on December 23 and only made it to New York. We had to wait on the runway forever at Ohare.. only water and some stupid granola bars for us to eat. When we finally got to Newark the plan to stockholm just left... yes, 10 min is how much we missed it by.. we ran all through the airport, which is really not fun. I was preatty upset and of course sweaty.. We got rescheduled to fly out the next day which was the earliest flight they could put us on.. so we speant Christmas Eve in New York and it wasn't so bad after all. We walked around and absorbed the beautiful city. Matt's bags however never made it to Newark so the poor guy had to buy some new undies and borrow stuff from me. We left our house on Sunday Dec 23 at 8.00 am and arrived in Sweden at my parents house on Dec 25 at 4.00 pm.. wow longest trip ever.. yes, I am bitter and I blame untited airlines. Anyway here are some of the photos from N.Y.

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