Saturday, January 12, 2008

Not so much blog..

Sorry I have been really bad at blogging latelty. Still in Sweden and it has been a really wonderful time. I have had such a crazy busy social schedule and also tried to work this week so it has not really felt like vacation. But well worth it. I also learned to knit. I made a crocheted hat and I am now knitting a pillow so my winter break has been really productive. I have also teached my parents to use the Skype phone over the internet so I hope I hear more from them now, and I got my mother hooked on youtube. So it is a new year and new life, right!? I have been trying to be good and was actually out running 4 times this week. Suprised even myself by how dedicated I was. One thing that Swedes always do is to have dinners or have coffee at peoples houses. This I will miss when I go back to Chicago tomorrow. I have been so well fed during this trip and it is always so nice to just come home to peoples house and just hang out. More intimate in someway. I wish we did more of that in Chicago. Well, I guess I just have to host some dinner partys this year. Anyway, it is saturday night and I am sitting at home with my parents learning to knit. Maybe not the most exiting saturday night. But I would not want to spend it any other way. I am 31 years old now after all!

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