The holidays was spent just the way I liked it.. lots of relaxing times, family and friends. We took the train up to Gothemburg where we stayed with our friends Elin and Nish and then we spent Christmas eve at my sisters house where she had cooked food for a small village. Of course Santa was there to give out presents.. no one wanted to be Santa so my niece who is the youngest one dressed up.. It was hilarious.

Then we went back to stockholm and stayed with my parents until after new years. I met up with some old chicago friends; Mia and Elisa and got to see their adorable little babies. For my birthday we went to a sushi restaurant on Söder i stockholm and had yummy drinks all night. Linda, Leila, Paula, Katti and Matt was with me and it was great to have some girl talk.. Matt probably did not enjoy the girltalk as much as I did.

On new years we gave Oliver his first haircut. We got soma clippers and tried to do it ourselves. It was a pain.. He hated it, it took 2 hours and there was hair everywhere.. but in the end I actually think we did a pretty good job. I think that Oliver lost half his body weight with the haircut.. We will not let him become such a wholly beast again before we give him his next hair cut. That night we went over to Linda's for some champange, food and board games.. Matt and I totally lost the charades game but it was lots of fun.
hey lady! i absolutely love your hair short it looks so sophisticated! miss you guys lots!