We have not been good at updating this blog during the summer so we have to do a short recap here. It was a wonderful summer with lots of sun, weekend trips, visitors and walks to the doggie beach. Since baby Goble is arriving in September we did not really take any vacation this summer but tried to make the best out of the weekends. We did go Camping one weekend in HÀstveda and it really isn't like camping in the US. It is more like setting your tent up in an open field and then the next tent is like 4 meters away.. not much for outdoors-y-ness. Miss the US camping with separated camp lots and fire pits.. but next summer we are going to look for better camp sites and maybe then.. This was Oliver's first camping trip and I even if it was confusing to him at first, I think he loved that he got to be so snuggled up to us all the time. Then Paula, Andres and their daughter Bea came to visit us. We had a great relaxing weekend and our guests spoiled us with cooking almost every night. I loved it, they need to come visit more. The weather, however, was crappy so when we drove to the beach we had to flee back to the car after 5 min due to rain. I am not surprised since of course one of the few times that Paula will go touristing in her own country the weather decides to be crappy. Then we went to KolmÄrden to go on a safari and watch my dad do some Jeep driving. He got a gift card for jeep driving for his 60th birthday present and he seemed to love it. In August our friends Tracy and Greg came to visit from France. They are currently also ex-pats that moved from Minneapolis to live and work in France for 2 years. They just arrived in July so we tried to make the weekend as american as possible, serving coors light, eating at burger places, taking them to a Swedish country band concert etc. It was such a great time and I hope they come to visit soon again. We have already planned to drive down there with dog and baby in the spring.. we'll see how well that will work.
Thanks for the great weekend in Malmo! Can't wait for you, Matt, Oliver and William come to France!